Choose an Offering

Group Silent Retreats

Intentional silence offers the opportunity to hear what is happening within us and around us. Join a small group of people for a weekend of sacred silence at The Cabin and experience community with others and with nature in silence, which invokes a deep sinking into the light within and with us all.

Individual Retreats

Come be held by The Nest - sacred geometry nestled in over twenty acres just north of Grand Rapids. The Nest is available for 24 or 48hr personalized retreats - perfect for integration, rest, fasting, and being held by nature.

Vision Quests

Vision Quests are an opportunity to spend time in the forest - letting what is unimportant fall away. Going alone into nature, without food and a bare minimum of equipment, we feast on what we truly hunger for. In this space of solitude, one can surrender to the mirror of the natural world and the depth-of-being that is calling out just beneath the surface.


One-on-one sessions offer a sacred space to dive deeper into the light you. While being held by a Guiding Owl guide, you can safely explore areas where you feel stuck in your own journey, process what you have seen and heard on a retreat, and explore how your light wants to transform you and your community, These are safe, sacred spaces to have your light witnessed and honored